Creative Strategy in Content Marketing, Digital PR and Data Storytelling // Available for hire // Email: [seandecfitz] [at] []
The Most In Demand Languages Around The World, Mapped
You can tell gen Z and millennials grew up on video games and anime, because they really want to learn Japanese and Korean.
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Out of the roughly 7,000 or so languages in the world, there seems to be only a handful that people go out of their way to learn — whether that be because of business or school, or just out of curiosity and because of their travels.
Despite languages like Mandarin, Hindi and Arabic having more native speakers than other languages, they aren't being taug...
2 Pa. accents listed among world’s top 10 favorites: report
Research that analysed the most popular global accents, according to Twitter sentiment.
The World’s Most Mispronounced Names, Mapped
Creative direction and research behind a project that measures which names from different languages and cultures around the world are the most mispronounced.
Phishing Scammers Impersonate These Brands The Most
Research and creative direction behind a project that revealed which brands in various sectors are impersonated the most in phishing emails.
These States Offer The Biggest Pay Raises Between Entry-Level And Experienced Workers
Creative strategy and research behind a project that analysed the average difference (%) in pay between entry-level and experienced workers throughout the United States.
The Most Translated Song from Every Country, Mapped
Creative direction and research behind a project that measured music artists on how many translations their songs have received.
The Most Confusing Emojis, According To Every Country
Research and creative direction behind a project that compared each country's most confusing emoji definition — based on each country's top Google search for [Emoji] [meaning].
The U.S. Tech Giants Where Employee Confidence is Highest and Lowest
Creative direction behind a research project that analysed the level of confidence in major US companies by their employees.
Mapped: Which is the Best U.S. City for Entry-Level Jobs by Pay?
Research and creative direction behind a study that reveals which U.S. states and cities have the highest percentage of highly-paid, entry-level jobs.
Mapped: The U.S. State that Each Country Trades With the Most
Research and creative direction behind a study that reveals each country's highest value import from a U.S. state.
Visualizing the Major Product Exported by Each U.S. State
Research and creative direction behind a study that reveals the highest-value product export from each U.S. state.
Mapped: The Industry Hiring the Most People In Every Country
Research and creative strategy behind a study that reveals which industry hires the highest percentage of people per country.
Legendaere Filmautos (Motors in the Movies)
Creative direction and research method behind a project in Germany and the UK markets that analysed the most popular, iconic and valuable cars from movies.
What Can UK Renters Afford With the Average Salary?
Creative direction and research method behind a study of popular online room rental websites to reveal where in the UK renters are being priced out of the rental market, and where the demand for rental properties far outstrips supply.
Which Football Clubs Profit the Most from Selling Academy Graduates?
Matching youth academy products to their parent club to find out which teams have profited the most from selling them